Melanie Brown    


Ra Rah: Cheerleader series

Artist Statement

Inspired by the unsteady spaces of the either desired or loathed, feminized spectacle of cheerleading, this series reflects on both cultural and personal moments of awkwardness and uncertainly. Drawn from the notion of emergence, the subject is jostling to find a place in the light - at times hesitant, at times confident and giddy with ‘swing and dazzle’. The young cheerleader, dressed in an antiquated costume with shoes too large, vacillates under the spotlight of the ever-present gaze of the observer.
Worlds collide in this series, using binaries interior/ exterior, old and new, past and present, revealed or obscured, alludes to an uneasy fit in the role of contest and expectation. 

Proxemic | Roller Grrls | Rah Rah | Vertigo of Being