Mel Brown     

Writings About

Brown, Melanie, Mel Brown in Vault Australasian Art & Culture, Downsides up, Insides Out Exhibition ad, Praxis Artspace, Image by Mel Brown, Proxemic (detail),2023 Issue 44, pp 144 and 153

Dr. Zoe Freney writes a review of Proxemic from Downsides Up, Insides Out

John Neylon on Downsides Up, Insides Out, Mel Brown, Proxemic series

Praxis Artspace; Downsides up, Insides out exhibition featuring Mel Brown & Trena Everuss. Catalogue publication, Artlink.

Praxis Artspace; Downsides up, Insides out exhibition featuring Mel Brown & Trena Everuss.Catalogue Publication, Artguide Australia, Issue November/December 2023.

Three ways, 2013.  Melanie Brown, Trena Everuss and Robyn McBride, Murray Bridge Regional Gallery. Curator Melanie Rankin, Catalogue Publication

Loreto Spring Art Show. “ Mel at Loreto Spring Art Show”

Move over Paris- Art Reveals Adelaide’s Alter ego

Feeling of Light 2012. Curator Brigid Noone

Catalogue: 4 SA Artists Morgan Allender, Melanie Brown, Kveta Deans & Deborah Trusson. Catalogue Publication. Also featured in July 3.2012